Certificates Held
Computer Skills Test (Expert Level) - ExpertRating
Windows 10 Tips and Tricks - LinkedIn video
(Certificate of Completion)
Online Communication Media Skills Certification (Expert Level) - ExpertRating
Social Media Marketing for Business Certification - ExpertRating
Business Writing Skills Certification (Expert Level) - ExpertRating
Android Tips and Tricks - LinkedIn video (Certificate of Completion)
Other Qualifications
Attended various conferences relating social media, including how to use social media for advertising a business.
Previously updated/managed the Lake Huron Learning Collaborative and Friends of the Bayfield River websites
Posted news on the Huron Stewardship Council web portal
Taught internet skills at various Huron County Libraries
Teaching iPad, Windows, and Android devices at MacKay Centre for Seniors in Goderich
Taught computer skills privately in the past